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FOR 2018 - 2019

Annual Installation Dinner-Dance Held at Highlawn Pavilion



The Officers of the NY/NJ Chapter of the Financial Managers Society were recently installed for the 2018-2019 fiscal year at the Chapter’s Annual Installation-Dinner Dance. The gala event was held at the Highlawn Pavilion in West Orange, N.J. on Friday, June 1, 2018. Community banking executives and guests were joined by Past Chapter Presidents and valuable sponsors to witness the traditional installation ceremony followed by an evening of fine dining and dancing. The event began with a stylish cocktail reception where Members and guests enjoyed an incredible array of appetizers with an open bar and a breathtaking view of the New York skyline from high atop the Eagle Rock Reservation. Members enjoyed a sumptuous full-course dinner and an evening of dancing once the “formal” ceremonies had ended.


Incumbent Chapter President Stephen Feehan welcomed all in attendance and thanked the Members for their support during his tenure. Past Chapter President Cindi Rand then provided a solemn and thoughtful invocation while Members remained standing following the traditional recital of the Pledge of Allegiance.


Stephen Feehan introduced Myron Gellman, Managing Director and Principal of the Mercadien Group. Myron spoke eloquently regarding the knowledge and experience of incoming Chapter President Salvatore Zerilli and the positive influence he has had upon the firm’s success. He then offered a celebratory toast to the success of the incoming slate of the Chapter’s Officers.


Danielle Holland, President of the National Chapter of the Financial Managers Society welcomed everyone and then announced the following slate of Chapter Officers for the 2018-2019 fiscal year:



Salvatore Zerilli
Managing Director
The Mercadien Group

Vice President

Adriano Duarte
Assistant Financial Officer/Senior Vice President
SB One Bank



Amy Wheatley
Senior Vice President
Multi-Bank Securities, Inc.



Suny Mellawa
Assistant Vice President
Haven Savings Bank


Immediate Past President

Stephen Feehan
Vice President and Chief Risk Officer
Columbia Bank

Danielle then proceeded to install the Chapter’s Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer for the upcoming year. Stephen Feehan returned to the podium to present newly appointed Chapter Treasurer Amy Wheatley with a Certificate of Appreciation from the Lupus Foundation for her valuable contributions to the success of the Chapter’s recently held Charity Casino Night event.

Danielle Holland then formally installed Salvatore Zerilli as Chapter President. Members and guests in attendance offered the Chapter’s new leadership warm congratulations. Salvatore addressed the Membership and provided his opening remarks as incoming Chapter President. He first thanked his family for their support and thanked the Membership for the opportunity to serve the Chapter during the upcoming year. Past Chapter President Tom Kemly, President and CEO of Columbia Bank introduced the Past Chapter Presidents in attendance. Immediate Past Chapter President Stephen Feehan offered thanks to the Membership for his term in office and provided encouragement and success to the new leadership team.

Members enjoyed a full course dinner following the formal ceremonies followed by a wonderful evening of dancing. The evening was capped off by a superb selection of fine desserts along with a wide variety of cordials served by the expert staff at the Highlawn Pavilion.

Relive photo highlights of this year's Installation Dinner-Dance in the photo galleries below.

Photo Galleries

Select a photo below to open the photo galleries in a new browser tab.

Cocktail Reception


Members enjoyed a gala cocktail reception featuring an open bar and a wide range of fabulous appetizers high atop the Eagle Rock Reservation which offered an incredible view of the New York city skyline in the distance.

Installation of Officers


Chapter Officers were installed for the 2018-19 fiscal year. The traditional induction ceremony was performed by National Chapter President Danielle Holland. A special toast was offered to the Chapter's success!

Dirty Dancing I


Newly installed Chapter President Salvatore Zerilli took to the dance floor with his wife and family to celebrate. The Chapter's Officers and Members joined in to enjoy the evening. 

Dirty Dancing II


Members formed an enormous dance line and paraded to the beat! Chapter Past Presidents and Members joined the action. The moments were captured for posterity!

Dirty Dancing III


The ladies stole the camera and captured some very choice moments with the Chapter photographer. It is very clear that everyone enjoyed this dance!

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