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Febuary Dinner Meeting

Wednesday , February 16, 2022

4:30 PM ET


8:30 PM ET

Program Description

Dinner Meeting
Updated Fed Special - How Will the Economy Fare With a Less-Accommodative Fed?
Expert economist Brian Jones will present a review of recent economic performance and an informative view of how the Fed’s stance will shape interest rates, GDP and key portions of the Treasury yield curve. Brian will address areas of particular concern to community banks including the related effects on the housing market and residential mortgage rates including short and near term economic expectations. .

Preparing for Rising Rates: Balance Sheet Strategies in a Changing Environment
The Fed’s hawkish policy pivot revealed in the most recent FOMC minutes is good news for the industry as the market anticipates earlier Fed actions causing higher rates along the curve. Financial institutions are balancing the earnings challenges in today’s low rate environment against the fear by many of inflation and multiple Fed hikes ahead. Difficult balance sheet decisions will revolve around excess liquidity strategies, preparing for heightened deposit competition and potential disintermediation, and comfort level to add longer-term assets amid rising rates, among other challenges. Please join Eric Poulin, Darling Consulting Group Account Manager, for this session that will take the fear out of rising rates and highlight strategic opportunities for your ALCO to capitalize on in 2022.


Mini-Session 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM
Cocktail Hour 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM
Dinner Meeting 630 PM - 8:30 PM


Sanzari's New Bridge Inn

105 Old New Bridge Road

New Milford, NJ


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